Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15th

So, today I had a battle with a pen...and lost. But now my hands are relatively ink free. And I can say that I am doing much better with doors- so far that seems to be the hardest part of any job. At Morton it was figuring out the locks, at the Logan it was knowing which ones would lock behind you and here it's remembering that the door that looks like you should pull it is actually a push. Probably not the best answer when my next interviewer asks what challenges I've faced in the work place.

And really not too much happened at work today. It was slow. My computer was slow (that's what you get for coming in last, but really I don't do as much work on my computer as other people) so I got some coffee so I wouldn't be as slow.

In the afternoon I realized that one of my co-workers likes Dollhouse so I had someone to talk to about it because I just finished the last season and now I am so sad. Oh damn you Fox network for canceling it!

Oh and I offered to help the guy who was fiddling with his microfilm for ages- really it was getting distracting. But he wouldn't take any help...from me anyway. He asked for help from some other person. Honestly! I'm getting to know my way around a microfilm machine, thank you very much. And I've read enough newspapers now to know that I prefer Ann Landers to Dear Abby.

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