Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Highlights from the Archives

So today I biked to work in a turtle neck. It gets very cold in the archives, so I thought it would help and sure enough I was very warm for the first part of the day.

Today I finally got my security badge- up till now I'd been using a visitor one so now I am very official. And we all got new chairs. I came back from looking at microfilm and my orange chair was replaced by a huge blue velvety type chair that swivels. The backs are a little stiff, but that should just encourage good posture methinks. Apparently they were going to be thrown out, but now they have home.

Oh here's a random thing, there's a framed copy with the whole "We of the United States, assembled here..." on the wall and because in the olden days eses looked like efs it looks like "affembled" and I can't help but imagine them all stuttering over the word in their white wigs.

In the afternoon I went on a walk with some of my other co-workers- every day at 3- they go so I am joining in. Everyone around the capital goes out for walks along the capital grounds- there are multitudes of little groups of twos and fours taking the air.

Mostly what I've been doing lately is looking through microfilm reels. I pick a random drawer and see what I find and pop the reels in. Yesterday I think I took an older man's favorite microfilm machine- some of them have different light levels I guess. I saw him again today and I suspect I will again tomorrow.

Anyway on my quest for interesting stories pertaining to ND that would make a spectacularly amazing radio script I have found many a great or rather amusing ad or headline. Enjoy!

"He a Caveman, she a flapper"- a story about a man who attempted to carry a woman off and was put in jail

"The only place that makes money without advertising is the U.S. Mint. If your business isn't worth advertising, advertise it for sale."

"Vulcanizing tire repair"

"Men match up to your wife's Gorham Sterling (silverware)..there's nothing that will get you the slippers and pipe treatment faster than a gift of Gorham Sterling."

"If the festive mosquito thinks that he will make friends by the unique familiarity that he takes with every body just now he is greatly mistaken."

There was a great article on frozen siberian milk where the common saying was, "Be careful not to break the milk."

And a lovely advice column about an 11-year old boy who had good conservations with a girl his age on the phone, but she always seemed to "turn off" him in person. The columnist advised him that she was either shy, wanted to keep it a secret or was talking to other boys.

Cigarette ad with a man leaning in, holding a woman's hand saying, "Do you inhale?"

From a cartoon: Signing the declaration means never having to say you're Tory

Another cigarette ad with a man and woman smoking together "When you need an excuse to stay a little longer, I'm your best friend- I am your lucky strike. How about just one more Lucky, Angel? Then I'll go"

Gopher Poison: Thy're hungry now. Go after them.. Kill 'em Quick (that's no spelling mistake)

Etiquette tips:
Can a woman cross a hotel lobby to speak to a man? No- ask the bell boy or waiter to have him come over

Ad- says one boy to another: "I'll bet I weigh more than you do. I drink MN Diary Milk"

"The Little Wool Dress"

Ad for a mattress: "The application of the "Rolling-Pin" is an old American custom...and a well-proven method for inducing sudden sleep."

Did you know there were padded hip suits to make your waist look thinner? There were.

And that's all folks.

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